duminică, 18 mai 2008

Arestat pentru satirizarea musulmanilor. Sunt solidar cu caricaturistul Gregorius Nekschot…

Este vorba de Gregorius Nekschot
Nimic in presa romana? Dau stirea in premiera. Sunt curios cine o sa ma citeze...

Solidarity with Gregorius Nekschot

On the 14th of May the Dutch cartoonist Gregorius Nekschot was arrested. Gregorius Nekschot is a pseudonym. Gregorius stands for the name of a pope, Nekschot for "shot through the neck", a method used by socialists of various breeds to get rid of unwanted dissidents.
Gregorius Nekschot creates highly controversial cartoons. He himself calls them ‘tasteless cartoons’, and most people agree. By comparison, the Danish cartoons are pure propaganda for Mohammed. Strangely enough, those rather innocent Danish cartoons drew worldwide attention, while Nekschot’s cartoons didn’t.
That is over. On the 14th of this month Gregorius was arrested by a team of no fewer than ten police officers. He was taken into custody, and since the District Attorney deemed his works both highly offensive and commercial, he was kept locked up for two days. After release, he was told: "You can forget about anonymity now. They know who you are."
This arrest creates a serious political row. The parliament, to their credit, from left to right, wants an explanation from the minister for Justice, Hirsh Balin. And it better be a good one, for more and more information comes to earth that this is pure political intimidation, if not outright state terrorism. (...)
[Editors note: Yes, these cartoons are offensive. The one depicted here is one of the more innocent. EuropeNews, as an editorial decision, does not run sexually explicit material. But we do defend the right to publish offensive material, and maintain that only libel/slander lawsuits are appropriate in dealing with undesirable publications.
In particular, intimidation against artists is a sign of an authoritarian regime not compatible with democratic principles. If Muslims are offended by these cartoons, they should take them to court, or deal with the subject of the cartoons. Getting a clear Islamic stand on pedophilia would be a welcome first step,]

Via http://europenews.dk/en/node/10215

Doct despre PENIS

"Nu poti sa nu te simti frustrat ca barbat cand toti termenii, mai mult sau mai putin colocviali, care denumesc organul sexual masculin sunt de gen feminin, cel mult neutru (un penis, doua penisuri respectiv un falus, doua falusuri). Prin urmare, solicitam Academiei Romane sa ia atitudine in acest sens si anume: schimbarea formei de plural a substantivul "penis". Astfel, in loc de "un penis, doua penisuri" vom avea "un penis, doi penisi". Pe langa ultimele modificari, aceasta ar trece neobservata in schimb ar cantari mult in regasirea identitatii noastre masculine.", se spune intr-o petitie adresata Academiei Romane si postata http://www.petitieonline.ro/petitie/penis_substantiv_masculin-p63950048.html
Subiect de meditatie? Semnez? De ce nu?!